Paramotor Course Dates
Tribal Flight Paragliding offers the straight through Paramotoring Course at the best training facilities in Australia. We supply all equipment to complete your course and we don’t charge for the hire of equipment.
The Foot Launched Syllabus has a large content of Paragliding and you will gain a combination of theory, great practical skills and experience from free flying that will make your Paramotoring transition much easier, safer and enjoyable. We combine early flights from a low training hills with winch towing to safely speed up the learning process. It is not unusual to have students experiencing low glides on day 1.
Course expectations: We offer the PG 2 course ( Paragliding Endorsement) as an option for students who are completing their Straight through Paramotor endorsement. If the weather and time permits during the 14 day course or return to finish off at a later date.
View course dates below or call now as you could start your training now!
SAFA Certified Training Facility
The Sports Aviation Federation of Australia is the sporting body that administers Hang Gliding, Paragliding and Weight Shift Microlights, under regulations laid down by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
Tribal Flight Paragliding is a registered SAFA flying school and training facility. All schools are required to conform to the SAFA (and CASA) minimum standards for equipment, operational systems, certification and ongoing support. The school is run by Matt Fox who is the Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) and also a World Record holder for Paramotoring.
As part of the training and courses, Tribal Flight Paragliding will introduce you to other pilots and local paragliding clubs and groups. Your learning is ongoing and sharing your experiences with other pilots is key to your success.
Tribal Flight Paragliding also sells equipment, offers service facilities and can runs sessions to take you to the next level of proficiency or specialist expertise (such as powered flying or wheel base flying). Tours or specialist clinics (towing, cross-country flying, manoeuvres) are also run by Tribal Flight Paragliding through out the year.